Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Secret Garden - Activities 3 and 4

Thank you for making your way to our class blog!  This is where you will find information you need to complete your homework at times.  For this first week of our Secret Garden Unit, you will copy down the definitions for your vocabulary words for Activity 3!  Beneathe the Vocabulary Words for Activity 3 are some images to help you with Activity 4.  I hope you enjoy this blog as a fun tool to help you with your homework!  If you have questions or something is unclear, please feel free to e-mail me at mfernihough@asd20.org.

Activity 3 Vocabulary
  1. Befriended - to make friends with
    2.  Ushered - led into

    3.  "Polished the furniture" - dusted the furniture

    4.  Displeased - not pleased

    5.  Intrustion - an interruption

***Do not forget to draw a small picture beside each word to help you remember these definitions. :)

Activity 4 Art

You are to draw a picture of what you think The Secret Garden might look like.  I have posted a few pictures of gardens to get your brain waves thinking that direction.  Enjoy!

Now that you have drawn your beautiful garden (and colored it!), focus on the points to ponder at the bottom of page 3. 

Read Chapters 2 and 3.  We will talk about these two chapters in class next week...we will focus on Mary's attitude!

Enjoy your week and I can't wait for our next class!

Mrs. Fernihough

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with the blogging world, but it is a great tool to use in education.  This blog will serve a few specific purposes.

  • I will post homework help and tips for you here.  Since I only meet with you each once a week, I might not be able to cover everything as thoroughly as I would like.  This blog will help me to reinforce or add additional information to what was taught in class.
  • I will use this blog to post images and links that I would like you to see to help you with your studies at home. This is a safe way for me to show you exactly what I would like you to see without you having to search the internet aimlessly.
  • If time allows, I will post updates and recaps for parents to know what we are studying and all that was completed in class.
  • I would like to be able to add assignments and links to this blog for you to access our classwork in case of an absence.
I'm sure as the year progresses I will think of many more useful ways to use this blog.  This is my first time using a blog as an educational tool, so if you have any great ideas for me, please do not hesitate to let me know!