Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Formal Research Paper--Rough Draft (Due March 6/8)

Today in class we began writing the rough draft for our formal research paper.  I spent a lot of time teaching the students how to cite their source in order to avoid plagerizing.  I know when they come home they will have more questions, so I'm going to tell you what I told them in class. :)

  • Make sure that your outline matches your rough draft.  That's not to say your outline is set in stone, but if you decide to change the order of something in your rough draft, make sure your outline reflects those changes.
  • Skip sentences when writing your rough draft.  This will make editing easier.
  • You must have at least four citations in your research paper.  That means you must have at least one citation per source.  You may have more...but at least one per source
  • You must cite ANYTHING that you learned from research.  You do not want to plagerize, or steal, another's work.
  • Examples:
    • Arctic foxes live in frigid climates (Stuhr 38).
    • According to Carrie Stuhr, arctic foxes live in frigid climates (38).
Parents, please continue to ask me questions as you come up with them!  Here is a link to refresh your memory on citing sources.  http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/02/  This link is quite advanced, and would confuse your student more than anything.  This is for you! :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tid Bits!

I have added a new side bar to our class blog!  If you look to the right, you will see a section titled "Tid Bits!" and under it is last week's newsletter.    All you have to do is click on the week you want to see and it will magically appear on your screen . :)  I plan on attaching the newsletter to the class blog each week...that way you are able to access it any place, any time! 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Occlusal Splint

Oh parents!  You have the most wonderful children ever.  Let me tell you why...

For the past four months I have been dealing with major mouth pain.  I've been to four dentist since mid-October:
  •  A friend in MI for a consult back in October...she told me I clench my teeth and told me I should get a night guard from my dentist in CO.
  • One in CO...didn't have a dentist, read a sign on the street and went...he didn't know why I had the pain and gave me a root canal.  Not fun, later found out it was not needed.
  • Went to a great endodontist who thought the root canal was done properly (but not needed) and suspected I had a bite problem...look back to the first dentist I went to...
  • Went to a GREAT dentist who could tell instantly that I am a severe clencher and have completely shot the nerves/muscles in my upper left jaw.
So now that you know my dental history, I'm on the road to recovery.  But it won't be overnight.  I have to wear an Occlusal Splint 24/7 until my bite is adjusted, then I will just have to wear it at night.  I just got this lovely splint yesterday, so I'm still pretty self-conscious of how I look and how I talk.  If I want to get better, I have to do what the dentist says, and he says I have to wear this thing 24/7, except to eat.

Anyway, I started the day (Thursday) not wearing it because I am so self conscious.  I did tell the kids that during the times I'm not talking and they are working or in specials they might see me wearing a weird thing in my mouth.  I made the mistake of telling them I'm supposed to wear it all day but that I couldn't talk well with it yet.  They ALL encouraged me to wear it and ALL were just so lovely and so kind toward me today.  They have been very sensitive and have said many sweet words to me today.  So I want you all to know that you have raised wonderful children with kind hearts and thoughtful words.  Thank you for doing so!

Week of February 14/16...


We will be having our test over My Side of the Mountain on Feb 28/March 1.  Below you will find an online review that will help you tremendously on your test! :)  Enjoy! 
 If you take the review test online, please do so with a parent nearby. 

Also, a big part of our test will be over the themes found in My Side of the Mountain.  Remember that we talked about five different themes that are prominent in the novel.

Theme : an important statement the
author wishes to make about life

***I'm going to give a very brief overview of each of the themes and some of the practical examples we discussed within each theme from class. 
This is very general, and for the test you will need to be much more detailed.***

  • Connection with nature...
    • Sam's observation of his first sunrise on the mountain...
    • After capturing Frightful...
    • Earthworms...
  • Asserting one's independence...
    • Finding food for the first time (mussels)...
    • Not depending on modern day conveniences...
    • Free of society rules...
  • Surviving in difficult situations...
    • Ability to make fire...
    • Building shelter (his house)...
    • Surviving the winter storm...
  • Young people's search for adventure...
    • Learning to make fire...
    • Catching Frightful...
    • His first deer...
  • Solitude versus Society...
    • Content at first with being alone...
    • Sad after Bando departed the first time...
    • Realizing his need from human companion...

For February 28/March 1, please have all 25 of your notecards ready so that we can make sure they match your outline and we can start writing your rough draft!  We are trekking along just fine...keep up the great work!

***I don't remember if I mentioned this to my Tuesday students or not, but please be sure to put the page number you found your facts on each of your notecards!***

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Side of the Mountain Homework -- Due 2/14, 16

Today in class we discussed the final chapters of My Side of the Mountain.  We talked about what would happen to Sam once his family settles in his territory.  After the discussion, we paired up and wrote the next chapter of the novel.  I look forward to hearing your ideas of what is in store next for Sam!

For homework, choose one of the following questions to answer in a 5-10 sentence paragraphRemember to have a strong topic sentence, transitions before your RDFs, and lots of great details!!!
***Please write in your best handwriting...cursive would be nice!!

1.  Who is Bando?  Discuss Sam's relationship with Bando throughout the book.

2.  Sam sees signs of the coming winter in the way the animals behave.  What are some of these signs?

3.  What is one of the problems Sam encounters when building a fireplace?  How does he solve his problem?

4.  Why does Sam want to celebrate Halloween?  As he does this, what does he learn about himself and about the animals around him?

5.  Think of two things you would make from the deerhide if you were Sam.  Describe them and tell me how you would make them.  Feel free to illustrate your two ideas!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Research Paper Steps Due 2/7,9

This week we discussed what a Thesis Statement is and how it compares to a Topic Sentence.  We also talked about how to create a formal outline and compared that to how we have been organizing our writing.  Then we talked about citing our sources and not plagerizing in our writing.  We extensively covered how to create a bibliography card for each source. 

For next week, each student is to come to class with a well written Thesis Statement and a Formal Outline and a Bibliography Card for each source we plan on using (at least 4!). 

Remember, each research paper will be between 5-7 paragraphs!!!  Please create the outline to match a paper of that length.

As always, if you have any questions, please e-mail me!  mfernihough@asd20.org