Thursday, December 15, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I can't believe that it is already time for Christmas Break!  For homework over the break, you only have Grammar Sheets (just the odds...) and the Word Search for Vocabulary if you did not finish!  Then for Literature....pick a book, any book, and read it!  Be ready to chat with me about it after the break!

Have a great, restful break!  See you all next year!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Writing Homework (Due Dec 13,15)

For Writing….
All you have to do this week is add transitions to the paragraphs I handed back to you in class this week.  If you did not receive paragraphs back, it means you never turned them in the first time around…so you need to do two expository paragraphs, or find the ones you were supposed to do previously.

When you add your transitions, add them in BLUE.  And remember, transitions are part of your RDFs.  You do not have to rewrite your paper, you simply add them in and draw an arrow to where they need to be in your paper.  This should be a super simple assignment and not time consuming at all. :)

***If you need a refresher on two of the expository paragraphs you were supposed to turn in, check the blogs entries from Sept 13 (8 sentence paragraph) and Sept 29 (11 sentence paragraph).***

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Genre Homework for Literature (Due 12/13,15)

This week in class we learned about GENRE and discussed several different types of literary GENRES(through an AWESOME Power Point presentation using our new projector!).  Each student has a packet of Double Column Notes over GENRE to use and keep forever. :) 

For Homework:

Look through your notes on GENRE.  Pick one GENRE to focus on.  Once you have picked that GENRE, please find a piece of literature that is an example of that genre.  Read it!  Be ready to share your piece of literature with the class next week.  Try to pick a piece of literature that is short, not a novel.  Have a parent help you find a specific fable, or myth, or reference source that you can read (or look through!) and share....

 ***Please don't feel limited to a fable, myth, or reference can be an example from ANY of the GENRES we learned about in class!!!***